
Monday, 28 September 2020 23:15

The subject in Horror music ….I'm afraid …be very very afraid

Ok as you can see by the grim picture this is not going to be fun ….

I have just had some of my ‘horror' music accepted by a licencing company  - I have always enjoyed and have been facinated by music and soundtrack for horror movies - I really enjoy sifting through dark sounds and making my own soundscapes that when you listen put you either in a scary place or the sound and melodies make you start thinking about the darker things in life ..

I used to go over to a see a friend and we would play each others tracks that we have been working on and after listening to a few of my recordings Rick said something very interesting that helped me a lot.

His name Rick Smith - he is part of the Underworld duo …

He said “ when your writing don't try to please your Mum - something I think i have been guilty of for many years - I sometimes feel am very soft with my writing and tend to make pleasant music even my heavier Rock stuff has a soft rock feel in my opinion…sometimes i dont want to write ‘pleasant ’ music I want my music to evoke either how I am feeling or how i want the listener to feel -  

Take a listen to this its very very dark - it is aimed at making you feel scared, fearful, and wipe that grin off your face and i must admit whilst writing it, it really did make me feel bad, go deep within myself  my working title is waiting in the Dark - but I need something a bit more sensitive than that. Any suggestions just write them on a piece of paper and send to me .

Listen to WAITING IN THE DARK (working title) parts 1 and 2 if you dare….

Well what do you think ? pretty morbid meh ? let me know..paula@paulariordan.com

The next blog i do I will be trying to put a comment list on the page its a bit complicated but I will try - chat next week….. 



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